Kediri Startup

Startup singapore ecosystem in singapore & malaysia

Kediri Startup

Potensi Startup AI Dimasa Depan

Kediri Startup

Startup Fundamental

Kediri Startup

Building a Technology Ecosystem at Kediri

Kediri Startup

Building a Technology Ecosystem at Kediri

Manggala Technology are business solutions tailored by technology experts to streamline the operations of any business residing in any industry. Our products promote your business to wield efficiency, productivity and control to become leaders in the market.
Indonesia, Kediri (Head)
Jl Papar - Pare (RA Kartini), No 469, Ds Tegowangi
Kec Plemahan , Kab Kediri, East Java
Indonesia, Batam
Hawai Garden , No M25, Batam Center
Kepulauan Riau
Europe, Belgium
Kortrijksesteenweg 528, 9000 Gent, Belgium
© PT Manggala Teknologi Nusantara. All rights reserved